"Vidya Dwijatiya Jeevanam"
The object of nation building can be better achieved by educating the youth. But it was noticed during the on-field studies that the rural and poor children were unable to exercise their basic right to education due to many factors, such as poverty, remoteness of their villages, for want of transportation and other facilities. Hence, KSS decided to provide assistance and support to such children for pursuing their studies. .
First small step to that effect was taken by KSS by starting a ‘vasatigruha’ (hostel), at Canacona. KSS received great response of society to this act of starting a ‘vasatigruha’ (hostel) and today, KSS is running three ‘vasatigruha’ (hostels) for the underprivileged children from remote rural areas. Till now around 1600 children are educated by staying in the ‘vasatigruha’ (hostels) of KSS and they are duly working in different fields